New Book Announcement from WOIPFG

《铁证如山 》(中、英)
Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence  

2020年7月10日追.!国际更新出版《铁正如山》(Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence) 。该书分第一、二部,有中、英文二种版本,中文版于2020年7月,英文版于2021年7正式发行投放社会。
On July 10, 2020, World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) updated and published the book Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence. The book has two volumes, with Chinese editions was officially released in July 2020. English edi-tions was officially released in July 2021.

《铁证如山 》新书介绍(中文)1
《铁证如山 》新书介绍(中文)2

《铁证如山 》新书介绍(英文)1
《铁证如山 》新书介绍(英文)2



The book Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence is a collection of WOIPFG’s key evidence amassed through more than a decade of investigation into the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. It details the investigation background and information sources, and demonstrates the logical relationships among different pieces of evidence. The book contains 290 recorded audio testimonies and 764 pieces of data evidence. It also contains QR codes to access MP3 audio recordings, PDF files of recorded investigation transcripts and WOIPFG onsite investigation video recordings, so the readers can directly listen to the investigation recordings, read the transcripts and watch the videos by scanning the QR codes. This will help the readers quickly gain a deep understanding of the truth behind this major case in human history.


The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on results of the investigation from 2006 to 2015. Its contents include phone investigative recordings and data evidence involving five standing committee members of the Chinese Communist Party Central Politburo, a vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, a defense minister, a former head of the health division of the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army, as well as many organ transplant surgeons, officials of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, “610 Office” officials, court officials and so on. The second part is the investigation results from 2015 to 2020. The contents include evidence obtained from the investigation conducted from December 2019 to January 2020 into the Xijing Hospital Affiliated with the Air Force Medical University. Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence is a monograph that helps its readers comprehensively understand and thoroughly study the nature, scale and current situation of the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting.

调查表明:中共活摘法轮功学员器官的罪行从没停止,还在继续,中国仍然存在活人器官供体库。而且 “活摘” 罪恶正向全社会蔓延。调查还发现,中共主动张扬的器官黑市,是中共享来掩盖活摘器官罪恶,运做活人器官库的另一种方式。

WOIPFG’s investigation shows that the CCP’s crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners has never stopped, and it continues to this day. Also, living or-gan donor banks still exist in China, and the crime of “live organ harvesting” is spread-ing to the entire Chinese society. Moreover, the CCP’s publicizing of the so-called organ black market in China is another way to cover up its evil crime of live organ harvesting and its operation of living organ banks.

中文第一部: https://dzc9l2dgpdh30ca.cloudfrontnetd.store/node/124628
中文第二部: https://dzc9l2dgpdh30ca.cloudfrontnetd.store/node/111433

英文第一部: http://www.upholdjustice.org/node/458 

Links for book downloading: 
Volume One (Chinese edition): https://dzc9l2dgpdh30ca.cloudfrontnetd.store/node/124628
Volume Two (Chinese edition): https://dzc9l2dgpdh30ca.cloudfrontnetd.store/node/111433
Volume One (English edition): http://www.upholdjustice.org/node/458 
Volume Two (English edition): http://www.upholdjustice.org/node/455


《铁证如山 》(中、英文字幕)
English:Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence 

WOIPFG's Onsite Phone Investigation the CCP's Xijing Hospital Live Organ Harvesting(1-4)

Introduction Film (4 Minutes)
Believe the Unbelievable.
Chinese: dzc9l2dgpdh30ca.cloudfrontnetd.store/node/106533
English: http://www.upholdjustice.org/taxonomy/term/442

书籍长和宽:23 X 17 CM,页数:200页

Book length and width: 23 X 17 CM
Number of pages: 200 pages for the Chinese edition; More than 240 pages for the Eng-lish edition



[email protected]
價格: 每本2美元(Price: $2/each)(68台幣),郵費另算。本书每套2本(第一、二部)

For reservation, please contact: Printed by Yiqum Bookstore in Taiwan
Tel: 02-25533123#231,[email protected]
Price: $2 / book (NT$68), and postage is extra. One set contains two books (Volume I and Volume II).
(The books are sold at cost. Editing, printing and distribution of the books are all volun-tary services to benefit the society.)

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

邮址:P.O. Box 84,New York, NY, USA 10116